Wednesday, December 2, 2015

by K.Siladass

The advice by the Sultan of Johore that there is nothing wrong for Muslims to greet and share the joys of non-Muslims festivals is timely. Racial and religious polarisation had indeed peaked beyond our belief thus threatening to destroy the very foundation that this country was shaped into existence. The racial and religious polarisation trend began some time ago and there is no sign of it being abated.

Before the eighties the shared experience and respect amongst all races were there to see; but, since then the shared respect has lost its sheen substituted with hatred and distrust culminating along dangerous divisive attitudes.

Since Merdeka there developed a sentiment, a feeling, a desire, an understanding amongst all races notwithstanding their religious backgrounds that we are here to live and die. There was strong element of acceptance by all races, there was mutual trust and friendship was reciprocated. Where did those elements of human understanding vanish? Why did they vanish? Who was the cause for it to vanish?

We have to re-discover ourselves as human beings caring for one another, respect one another-not create a wall of hatred and nurture it.

Not long ago, the local authorities in Johore would display seasonal greeting for all festivals. Such a goodwill had disappeared. Malacca still adheres to respect all festivals of all races and religions. Could the Johore local authorities adhere and respect the Sultan’s advice and display seasonal greetings to show that we are part of a large multi-racial, multi-religion and multi-cultural society.

Dated this 2nd December 2015.

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