Tuesday, October 8, 2013


A foreign Muslim seems to be immune to all the Syariah laws that are applied against Muslims in this Country. For instance, (khalwat) proximity between Muslim and non-Muslim is an offence. Many people, from ordinary to law makers and enforcement officers have had been hauled before Syariah courts for their amorous activity within the four-walls away from the public eye. But, a foreigner, a Muslim, who had lived with a non-Muslim and had a child by such a relation in this country, Syariah seems hesitant to act.

If it was a Malaysian Muslim, the Islamic Religious Department would have acted like speed of wind to haul the Muslim man (or woman) for breaching the Syariah law. It would not end there, for the Islamic Religious Department would try to snatch the baby born out of wedlock between a male Muslim and non-Muslim female as it must be treated as a Muslim, so goes the argument.

Is it the contention of Malaysian Syariah law that its powers only extend to Malaysian Muslims living in this country but not to foreign Muslims? In other words, no action can be taken against foreign Muslims living in this country notwithstanding their flagrant violation of Syariah laws. And the foreign Muslim seeking remedy from his (her) lover whether it be a Muslim or otherwise could do so in the civil court, but which remedy is not available to local Muslims.
