Monday, December 24, 2018

Malaysia Salutes Fire-Fighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim
by K. Siladass

The death of Fire-fighter Muhammad Adib Mohd Kassim, warns us that irrational behaviour as in Seafield Sri Maha Mariamman temple land dispute could lead to meaningless violence resulting in loss of precious lives and damage to properties. His death was cruel it should not have happened.

Sri Maha Mariamman Temple land dispute could have been resolved through intelligent and peaceful means. The parties involved failed to resort to peaceful, and legal means to find a lasting solution. Why was this lackadasical attitude? Who was responsible for this state if affairs? Admitted, it is futile and no useful benefit will come about in arguing who was responsible and where the fault originated; but it is an eye-opener that Malaysians, whoever it may be should not think that laws could be trifled with.

We must reject the impression that justice is at the mercy of powerful men and women whose singular motive is to milk benefits from disputes, more so when they are greedy politicians.

It is only after properties had been damaged, and Muhammad Adib’s life was in actual danger certain steps were taken to see an end to that long overdue dispute. This is a course that was available prior to the incident, and it could have been fruitfully pursued avoiding the calamity that had left the country and the people to grief especially the cruel end of Fire-fighter Muhammad Adib. Perhaps there is a lesson to be learnt from this untimely but heroic death of Muhammad Adib, and that is when a dispute, particularly when it could evoke sensitivity, positive steps should be taken to tackle and solve it at the earliest opportunity. Delaying settlement of such disputes could lead to calamitous consequences. Aside that, it is also essential that places worship are not the nests for greedy politicians and ruthless thugs. Malaysians join in the bereavement of the family of Fire-fighter Muhammad Adib.