Wednesday, December 2, 2015

by K.Siladass

The advice by the Sultan of Johore that there is nothing wrong for Muslims to greet and share the joys of non-Muslims festivals is timely. Racial and religious polarisation had indeed peaked beyond our belief thus threatening to destroy the very foundation that this country was shaped into existence. The racial and religious polarisation trend began some time ago and there is no sign of it being abated.

Before the eighties the shared experience and respect amongst all races were there to see; but, since then the shared respect has lost its sheen substituted with hatred and distrust culminating along dangerous divisive attitudes.

Since Merdeka there developed a sentiment, a feeling, a desire, an understanding amongst all races notwithstanding their religious backgrounds that we are here to live and die. There was strong element of acceptance by all races, there was mutual trust and friendship was reciprocated. Where did those elements of human understanding vanish? Why did they vanish? Who was the cause for it to vanish?

We have to re-discover ourselves as human beings caring for one another, respect one another-not create a wall of hatred and nurture it.

Not long ago, the local authorities in Johore would display seasonal greeting for all festivals. Such a goodwill had disappeared. Malacca still adheres to respect all festivals of all races and religions. Could the Johore local authorities adhere and respect the Sultan’s advice and display seasonal greetings to show that we are part of a large multi-racial, multi-religion and multi-cultural society.

Dated this 2nd December 2015.


by K.Siladass
2nd December 2015

While there is much to think about the call by PKR Deputy President Azmin Ali to open the newly formed opposition coalition to receive other like minded parties such as PAS, Parti Socialis and others from East Malaysia, the difficulty seems to center upon the guidelines and terms of like mindedness.

Azmin Ali should not forget that DAP and PAS could not get along because PAS harped on the introduction of hudud although the opposition that generated was very vocal. Not only DAP but BN parties too could not agree with the introduction of hudud. PAS is insisting on hudud and was prepared to court UMNO on this issue. PAS seems prepared to sacrifice the Malaysian identity DAP and others are canvasing and showed an apparent unitive attitude towards UMNO and all the wrong things it stood for.

The non-Malay Malaysians supported PAS because of its alliance with multi-racial parties, and there was a belief PAS would tread a moderate Islamist role instead of convincing the Malaysians that the road to heaven is by joining PAS or supporting it.

While all Malaysians who carry the interests of the country and harmony in their bosoms they will definitely would not want PAS gaining upper hand at the polls at the expense of their false pretences. Azmin Ali should consider the wider interests of Malaysia and its people, and if at best he should not try to straighten the camel’s back – which is, you cannot change or anticipate any change from PAS politicians.

Saturday, October 31, 2015



The word secession is derived from the Latin word secessio. It denotes, inter-alia, an action of seceding or formally withdrawing from an alliance, a federation. It is different from partition, which means division of a country into separate autonomous nation. Classic example would be the Republic of Ireland which was carved out greater Ireland. The other example closer to our region is the partition of India and the new autonomous State of Pakistan. In 1972 the former East Pakistan seceded from the Pakistan and became Independent Bangladesh.

Our own experience is the expulsion of Singapore from Malaysia. It is hard to describe that as secession because Singapore did not want to secede. It wanted to remain as part of Malaysia; but, the Federal Government under the leadership of the then Prime Minister Tunku Abdul Rahman decided to expel Singapore because of alleged irreconcilable political differences. It was not a popular decision, because, even leaders in UMNO found it difficult to support Tunku in expelling Singapore. Thus, it cannot be said that Singapore seceded from Malaysia.

Secession is an overt act of person or persons or body of persons who want to withdraw from a federation. It is not partition, and it is not expulsion. Further, the secession of one territory (State) does not necessarily mean the break up of the Federation. If we are looking at an example the expulsion of Singapore did not affect the Federation of Malaysia. However, anything akin to secession could lead to the eventual breakup of the whole federation.

Reasons for secession.
It is difficult to state what may prompt a State to secede from the Federation. We can only look into other countries and see the reasons that had led to secession there. Each secessionist may have particular reason for withdrawing from the federation. Primarily it could be due to suppressive measures of the Federal Government against a weak State which prompts the affected State to demand secession. Unfair treatment - not being treated as equal partner, or the Federal Government favours one State than the others or there is lack of transparency, or lack of accountability, or corruption is rife, or there is inequitable distribution of wealth, or the Federal Government behaves as if it is a colonial master; or, there is complete breakdown in the Federal Government and the use of repressive measures would destroy the basis of the federation. We cannot safely say that these are the only grounds that could ignite the desire to secession.

However, there could arise incidents or frictions or disputes between a State and the Federation; and instead of resolving them the federation uses them for its own benefit thus creating a situation which becomes impossible for a State to remain in the federal unit.

Therefore, there can arise situations unique in their own way incompatible to the continued existence of the federation. Perhaps, the reasonable view that can be arrived at is that a federation could last forever provided the objectives and conditions under which they were created remain intact; but there could be adjustments in the relationship consistent with changes that take place in the neighbouring countries and in the world, and the changes in the mindset of the people but the unitive element never questioned or challenged.

The Malaysian Constitution and Secession:
The constitution of the Federation of Malaya, which came into effect on 31 August 1957 does not mention about secession. There is no reference to secession under the Constitution of Malaysia which was created by the successful merger of the States of Malaya, Singapore, and the Borneo Territories on 16 September 1963. However, since Singapore was expelled on 9 August 1965, the question of secession would have to be looked at from a different angle.

Expulsion and secession are two distinct concepts. Expulsion results in consequence of the majority’s decision to expel one State. Secession is an act by a State which finds it difficult to work with the federation, and the federal government in particular, and decides to leave the federation. Although Singapore’s expulsion cannot be a precedent to support a demand for secession, it does give credence to the fact that if a State can be expelled, it follows, a State can legitimately withdraw. Tunku Abdul Rahman, who engineered the expulsion of Singapore would not have foreseen that it could develop into a precedent for the future.

Although the Constitution is silent over the question of secession, but it is said that there is an agreement that the Borneo Territories would not secede. This could give the impression that the merging States could not opt out of Malaysia; but what about the States of Malaya? Or, what is the real position after Singapore was expelled?

The difficulty seems too obvious. If it is true that the merging States could not secede, it follows that none of them could be expelled. Thus, the expulsion of Singapore indicates that the condition not to secede is not absolute. If the Federal Government with the consensus of the States succeeded in expelling Singapore it is obvious that a merging State could secede. The Federal Government had indeed agreed to the course taken towards Singapore, and that has been approved by all the other States.

Perhaps, it could be argued that the Singapore question was different, and it does not apply to other States. We cannot forget the idiom what is good for the goose is also good for the gender.

Can secession be raised?
We have seen that secession in the form of expulsion had indeed taken place and it was initiated by the Federal Government which was not objected to by other States in the Federation.

We have also seen that the Federal Constitution is silent about secession. The State Constitutions too have no provision which could be effectively invoked to seek secession. This leaves us with the point whether secession is a topic that can be canvassed notwithstanding the fact that it is a question that raises more questions than providing answers.

Generally speaking, secession should not be an issue for discussion because it could destroy the very foundation of the Federation.

The political scenario in the late forties following the return of the British, the role played by the Malayan Communist Party are worth recalling. There had been calls for the abolition of the monarchy with the creation of a Republic of Malaya.

The swing towards this call could be traced to the political development in Indonesia coupled with the fact that the Communists had no inclination for monarchical institutions. With the declaration of Emergency and all-out war against the Communists, the British administration introduced the draconian Sedition Act in 1948. If we trace the background of the Sedition Act 1948 which was introduced in England, it could be gleaned that its main purpose was to protect the institution of monarchy. The Sedition Act 1948 was used to quell freedom of speech and it also effectively outlawed any talk of republicanism in Malaya, which continues even today. Monarchy is now a part of Malaysia and it is an institution which deserves respect and veneration. The Rulers also ought to carry in their bossom love, respect, and veneration cannot be one-sided and they have to be reciprocated with benign attitude, and rational approach in everything the Rulers do.

Apart from the Sedition Act, Penal Code in Section 121 provides that, waging or attempting to wage war or abetting the waging of the war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong, a ruler or Yang di-Pertua Negeri as an offence. We cannot ignore a situation when the Attorney-General would construe that call for secession as an attempt to wage war against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong.

If could be seen that the combined effect of the Sedition Act, and the penal provisions in the Penal Code would indicate that secession could be construed as an act against the State, therefore, punishable. The general view would appear that it is indeed difficult to punish the call for secession. This is due to the unsatisfactory state of the law. But, from the practical side, we have seen that the Federal Government had in fact initiated expulsion, hence by order of things, if expulsion is legal then, call for secession cannot be legally wrong.

Who can ask for secession?
Whether a demand for secession or an act aimed at secession is an offence or not is a point that would require mature consideration. However, the question that looms at large is that who is entitled to make a call or demand for secession. The question of secession had arisen in consequence of a statement by the Johore Crown Prince to the effect that if the agreement made when Johore joined the Federation is breached Johore may withdraw.

This had indeed generated considerable but cautious reaction because the statement was made by the Crown Prince. Since the issue of secession was raised by the Crown Prince it must be assumed that nothing said, discussed would be construed as a breach of the provisions of the infamous Sedition Act 1948. Besides, the Sedition Act itself provides that it would not be seditious if the words spoken (or written) or discussed are in the best interest of the Ruler (Rulers).

It would therefore be necessary to look into the constitutional provisions delineating the powers of the State and of the Federal Government to pass laws.

The legislative powers have been distributed in such a way that under Article 73 of the Federal Constitution, (a) Parliament may make laws for the whole or any part of the Federation and laws having effect outside as well as within the Federation; and (b) the Legislature of a State may make laws for the whole or any part of that State. In the light of this particular provision it could be safely said that only the State legislature could demand secession.

Assuming a political party in a State decides to secede from Malaysia, legally speaking it should get sufficient numerical support in the State legislature to pass a law to break away from the Federation. There seems to be no impediment to this form of approach. In embarking upon a call for secession various factors need to be considered: would the Federal Government agree to such a course? If it does not agree what could be the repercussion? Could a State unilaterally declare Independence (UDI) just as Rhodesia (now Zimbabwe) did?

Or, would the Federal Government agree to hold a referendum in the State seeking secession to ascertain or verify the wishes of the people as to whether they want to secede or remain in the Federation. This could be cumbersome procedure and taking into consideration of the people’s attitude, their mindset, and their non-exposure to hard political realities coupled with the fact that racial and religious polarization had reached the peak, any campaign towards secession could pit one race against the other, one religion against another or others. We cannot deny that such a referendum and the campaign thereof could be an acid test.

It could be surmised that the framers of the Constitution had deliberately omitted the thorny issue of secession. This could be due to the confidence they had had in their mind that any dispute could be resolved through effective form of mediation or through judicial approach. It is this confidence that led to the incorporation of provisions in the Constitution to enable the judiciary to adjudicate any dispute that may arise between the State and the Federation or between States.

Should any State feel aggrieved by the conduct of the Federation it is always open for that State to seek redress in the Court; or, if a breach had occurred in the compliance of the Constitutional provisions applicable to a State, relief could be had from the Court. In this context Article 128 of the Federal Court could be invoked which provides that the Federal Court to the exclusion of any other court shall have jurisdiction to determine disputes on any question between the States or between the Federation and any State. Section 81 of the Courts of Judicature Act 1964 complements the aforesaid Constitutional provision. It could be safely said that secession is not a solution as the Constitution indeed provides a course to resolve disputes arising between States as well as between States and the Federation.

Constitutional Court:
At this juncture it would seem appropriate to consider creating a Constitutional Court which should have exclusive jurisdiction to hear cases involving the interpretation of the Constitutional provisions and the implementation thereof. In establishing the Constitutional Court it should be ensured that the judges are well-versed with the Malaysian Constitution and also Constitutions of the other countries with identical provisions. Most importantly these judges should respect the spirit of oath under the Constitution.

Date: 27 October 2015                                                                   K.Siladass

Sunday, August 16, 2015

NCCPF proposal draws more questions

Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Razak's call to set up the National Consultative Committee on Political Funding (NCCPF) at this point of time is like worshipping the sun (heliolatry) after becoming blind.

The question about RM2.6 billions deposited into Najib's bank account  has not been satisfactorily answered. Leaving aside, for the time being the real source of the money, there has not been any satisfactory explanation as to:
*how much of that money was spent;
** for what purpose it was spent;
*** what was the balance that was in the account before it was closed;
**** and what happened to the balance money and what was its destination.

These are not difficult questions to answer and the people are entitled to the answers as they are the ones who trusted him and his party to rule the country minus corruption and void of questionable issues.

The people are also concerned as to the source of the RM2.6 billions. It is said that the fund is from a  MiddleEast source. 

Why did he or they make such a huge donation? What was his or their aim to donate such a hefty sum?.What sort of interest does the donor have in Malaysia that prompted the huge donation? What guarantee is there that this money which found its way into Najib's account is not tainted with some illegality or is not the fruits of crime committed somewhere.

When all these questions remain unanswered the initiative to set up a committee to work on the rules relating political funding will only be viewed as a clever attempt to digress from the RM2.6 billion issue and the related unanswered questions.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015

Political Donation in Najib’s Personal Bank Account?

Political Donation in Najib’s Personal Bank Account?
By K.Siladass

            The plethora of excuses that are now offered in regard to the huge amount deposited in the personal account of the Prime Minister Dato Seri Najib Razak do not satiate the troubled Malaysians. These excuses indeed raise far more profound questions which call for acceptable answers.

            Firstly, if it is a political fund as it is now claimed why was it not disclosed earlier? Aside that, why is this childish challenge to the opposition that they disclose their donors before you disclose yours? A leader leads by example. He is a role model to be emulated and the challenge to the opposition is not a prudent move.

            Secondly, it is not the opposition alone to whom Najib is answerable. He is also answerable to all Malaysians and to those who truly and sincerely love Malaysia and have its welfare at heart.

            Thirdly, it is now claimed that the money deposited in Najib’s personal bank account was, in fact, a political donation. Was this fact revealed to the UMNO Supreme Council members? If such a disclosure had been made, then why was Muhyiddin Yassin querying about it after The Edge had published about the huge deposit? If the disclosure had been properly made to the Supreme Council, it was unnecessary for all the accusations and counter-accusations to then surface. This seems to indicate that the Supreme Council members were unaware of the deposit in Najib’s bank account. Even if what now as claimed i.e. the huge deposit in Najib’s account was a political donation, it was unnecessary to call in MACC to investigate the deposit in Najib’s personal account. The explanations and new versions do not help Najib’s cause. 

            Fourthly, was Bank Negara informed of this colossal deposit? If not, why was the omission? On the other hand, if there was any notification to Bank Negara what was its response then? Was the donor identified to Bank Negara? Did Bank Negara accept Najib’s explanation? Was the purpose and objective of this huge donation disclosed to Bank Negara? If there had been proper disclosure then Bank Negara is under a duty to disclose the purpose. On the other hand, if there had been no proper disclosure what action did Bank Negara take against the bank in which the billions were deposited?

            Fifthly, how were the billions in Najib’s personal bank account disbursed and to whom? If the billions were spent during the country’s 13th General Election as alleged, then would it not be in violation of the country’s election laws because there is a ceiling as far as election expenses are concerned. In such a case what action would the Election Commission take?

            Another point Najib is canvassing is that perception is substituting the truth. This line of argument will not take Najib far. One important thing Najib has to appreciate is that when certain facts are self-evident or are alleged to exist those who are answerable should explain to prevent negative inferences. What is in issue is not the perception of the truth but the omission to disclose the truth. What the Malaysians and the whole world have before them is an explanation from Najib and his supporters which do not help prevent negative inferences.